September Strategies: Building a Blueprint for a Successful Month

Where did the month of August go? It’s hard to believe that as I am writing this blog post, there are only a few hours left of the month. The months seem to go by faster and faster as time goes along.

My kids have officially started school again so hopefully having a routine will help all of us. I find that we do our best when we have a routine in place. I love summer but there is something about September that feels like a fresh start. 

As I look back on my August goals, I am excited to review them and show the successes that I had this month. Now I didn’t reach every goal BUT I did make progress. There are still some things that I am struggling with and that I am working through but damn, I am proud of how well August went. Let’s jump into the goal review for the month of August. 


The start of August was incredible. I was on fire and I was doing all of the things that I wanted to do. Now for the last two and a half weeks of August, it was a different story. 

I struggled with some of the goals that I am working towards. It is more of a mental struggle than anything else. I allowed myself to get in my head and I stopped doing the things that were bringing me joy. The habits that I was working hard to build were put on the back burner.

Here are the gaols that I was working towards in August and if I reached them or not. First, let’s talk about the business goals that I was working towards. 

Goal 1: Get 2 women signed up for my Blogology group coaching program

I didn’t reach this goal but I did have someone message me to possibly sign up for this coaching program or a weekend intensive. I still have over a month before this program starts so I will continue to share it and hopefully get someone signed up.

Goal 2: Have a book-reading event

I am excited and super nervous about this. I am in the planning stages and do have my venue picked out BUT I am going to reach out to one more venue to see if I can do it through them before finalizing. 

The projected date for this event is October 21, 2023. I am excited as this is something that I have never done before. I have also reached out to see if I can do a reading at an event that I am a part of on September 20 so we will see what happens with that!

Those were my business goals. Now let’s talk about the blogging goals that I was working towards in August.

Goal 1: Get my traffic up 10x than what it currently is

I did not 10x my traffic but I did more than double the traffic that was coming to my website. For not focusing as much on this goal as I should have been in the last few weeks, I am excited that my numbers increased this much. 

I have some plans for how to increase it for the month of September and I will share those in my September goals. 

Goal 2: Write a guest blog post for someone

This just didn’t happen but I have brainstormed a few blog posts that I am going to begin working on this Sunday. I know that I need to step up my game in this part of my blogging but I have been pushing it off. 

Those were the blogging goals that I was working towards in August. Now let’s dive into the personal goals that I was working towards.

Goal 1: Beat my husband in our wellness challenge

I was doing incredible in the challenge that I had set up for my husband and myself. You can join the challenge here. However, these last couple of weeks, I have stopped doing some of the habits that I was forming. 

There are multiple ways that we are keeping track of how we are doing. We are focusing on creating daily habits that will improve us mentally and physically. This includes…

  • Daily evening walk
  • Stretch 5-10 minutes per day
  • Read at least 10 pages
  • Daily meditation
  • No eating out
  • No phone 30 minutes before bed
  • Pack lunches for work
  • Write a daily gratitude list
  • 20-minute workout 3 times per week
  • Take daily vitamins

I am noticing that there are certain ones that I am struggling with. I am struggling with the stretching and the 20-minute workout habits. I didn’t do either of these habits so far on any of the days. 

I have struggled with the daily evening and morning walks with the dog for the last week and I have struggled with packing my own lunches. 

I still have two weeks left of this challenge and I will get back on track. We are also keeping track of the measurements of our body and with my focus on walking the dog twice a day, I have surprisingly gone down more inches than I expected. Here are my measurements…

Body PartsMeasurements from July 22Measurements from Aug 19Difference
Under belly button50491
Above belly button46.544.252.25

I am super excited to see what the remaining two weeks will bring. If you have any tips on how to get motivated for a 20-minute workout, I’d love to hear them. 

On top of the things listed above, I have been doing kneeling squats, drinking more water, and making myself a morning smoothie with bone broth collagen in it. 

I will share the final results in two weeks when the challenge is over!

Goal 2: Start my savings plan

I wasn’t able to start this in August but it is already budgeted for in September. I am excited to grow my savings and focus on money. I am going to challenge myself to a No Spend month for September. Does anyone want to join me?

Those were all of the goals that I was working on for August. Now who is ready to hear about my goals for September??

September strategies


I love September. Kids are back in school and it feels like a fresh start to everything. I like it even more than the new year. It gives me renewed inspiration to work towards my goals. 

Goal 1: Sell $100 of product at my upcoming market

I am excited that I was offered a spot at the Momentum Open House market again. Last year this is where the Mom Brain Planner debuted and I am debuting Mom Brain Planner 2.0 here this year. 

I will have my blogging book, my poetry book, my blogging planner, and my Mom Brain Planner available for purchase at this market. I will also have my services on sale for those who want to purchase that day!

Goal 2: Create hours that I will work on my business

With the craziness of life, I haven’t had scheduled work time for a while and it is now time to get set hours. This is going to help ensure that my family just gives me the time that I need to focus on business. 

I plan on doing a full 8 hours on Sundays and I am trying to decide what I will do during the week. I am thinking of doing a couple of hours on Tuesdays and a couple of hours on Thursdays. 

Those are the business goals that I am focusing on for September. I will continue to build my audiences and get my blogging course in front of women who need it. 


I love how my blog grew in August even though it wasn’t as much as I wanted so it is time to buckle down and get serious about my blogging numbers.

Goal 1: Host my SEO September challenge in my Facebook group

I am hosting a challenge focused on SEO in my Facebook group, Becoming The Blogger Within, and I am super excited. This challenge starts today. It will be a combination of me going live in the group as well as graphics. 

Every day there will be a tip or a daily task that you can do to help build up your blogging SEO. Come and join us! We would love to have you!!

Goal 2: Submit 3 guest blog posts

I am stepping up in this part of my blogging. I want to grow my audience and my reach so this is the best way to get in front of new people. I am ready to leverage my knowledge so that I can create new connections. 

If you are looking for a guest blogger on your site that talks about blogging, storytelling, or mental health, I would love to write for you. Send me a message and let’s chat.

Those are the blogging goals that I am working towards for September. Let’s dive into my personal goals.


The beginning of August was excellent and I was focused on improving myself. I felt and saw the differences that it was making. And then I just stopped so September is time to step it up a notch.

Goal 1: Do a no-spend month

I need to start this tomorrow as I bought myself a croissant today BUT starting September 2, I will be doing a no-spend month! This is going to help me take control of my finances since I want to focus on savings but it will also show me that I have the discipline to achieve something I thought that I couldn’t.  

If you would like to join me, I’d love to have an accountability partner. I know I am going to need one. We can chat through email or through Facebook to keep each other focused on the goal. Feel free to message me if you would like.

Goal 2: Finish the challenge with my husband 

I feel like I have the inspiration and motivation to continue with this challenge and focus on the last two weeks. I will get back into walking twice daily with the puppy as well as start adding some simple stretching to the mix. Even more, I have saved a few simple workouts that I can do in 20 minutes or less. 

I am taking the steps needed to continue this challenge and end it on a strong note. If you are doing the challenge with me as I know that I had some people download the challenge freebie, let me know how you are doing. 

Goal 3: Start meal prepping

Now I meal plan but I don’t typically get any prepping done. The last few weeks I have struggled with making dinner so I need to start meal prepping so that I can have control of dinners in the evening. I love that in the fall I seem to use my crockpot more so I am ready to put that to use again. 

If you have any great meal ideas or tips on meal prepping, I would love to hear them! Any insight helps me.

Those are the goals that I am working towards for the month of September. I am also working on my 101 goals in 1001 days. I am having fun with these goals and my monthly goals do go along with that giant list. 

What are the goals that you are working towards for the month of September? I would love to hear them so that we can cheer each other on. 

Building A Strategy, Goals




September Strategies: Building a Blueprint for a Successful Month

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Brandi Sunrises2Sunsets

I love the idea of just putting your goals out there for all to see and support. I need to implement this into my life.

1 year ago

Such a great, detailed list to keep yourself accountable! I love how you also cover several aspects of life

1 year ago

I loooove the idea of structuring the content in a way that would help achieve a goal, this is perfect! Thank you so much for your help.

1 year ago

I really like the idea of the wellness challenge. I’ve been recently actually doing a lot of your things on the list but would love my husband to join in too.

Lyosha Varezhkina
1 year ago

Wonderful goals, I am sure you will definitely complete them. You know how to work and how to apply better strategies

1 year ago

It’s so important to make goals! These are great for September 🙂

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