Fueling Creative Growth And Success With Our Blogging Incubator

May 2023 has been one of the hardest months that I have had in a long time. The hits feel like they keep coming and I am trying my hardest to keep everything together. Anyone else feeling the same way? 

I have been doing incredible with my blog and am so excited about how much growth I have had in ten days. The Rebuild Your Blog Challenge is doing so well. My site sessions are up 527% and the visitors are up 509%. Things feel like they are falling into place.

I did have another blog post planned for today but I decided that this summer, I wanted to host Splash Into Blogging again like I did last year. I am so ready to jump back into blog coaching so today, I wanted to share with you all about the program.


I learned as I went when I started blogging. It is a never-ending process of learning but it can be lonely AND time-consuming if you are trying to do it all on your own. Hiring a blogging coach is going to help you take back control of your time and show you all of the different pieces of the blogging puzzle. 

“Samantha made such an impact, not only on my social media but my life! I was ready to give up blogging and try again in the 9-5 world. Not only is my blog profitable, but I’m also branching into coaching, too! Thanks so much, Samantha!!”  Iris

You see, the thing is, we all need help at some point along the way. We all need the guidance of someone who has done what we are trying to do. There are experts out there who can show you and teach you so that you can build your blog better. 

My teaching style is to break everything down into easy, bite-sized, and understandable pieces so that you can easily take action every single day. 

Blogging has so many different moving parts that a beginner or even someone who wants to start a blog can get intimidated and overwhelmed. When you are feeling either of those emotions, you aren’t going to be able to move forward. You are going to give up on blogging before you even started and that isn’t fair to your dream or to yourself.


Sometimes we need someone to hold us accountable for the goals that we want to accomplish. We need someone to be there to keep pushing us forward when all we want to do is give up. As a coach, I am there to support you on the days that you just don’t feel like you can keep going. I am here to not only teach you how to blog but I am here to teach you how to do it alongside the rest of the pieces of your life.

blogging incubator. Photo taken by Dynamic Eye Photography

Blogging doesn’t have to consume every moment that you have in a day. You need to have a plan and if you don’t, then it becomes harder to continue. 

I am your go-to motivator.

I am your go-to accountability partner.

I am your go-to expert that you can ask questions, get support, and build your blog with.


Are you a beginner blogger who has no idea what you are doing? 

I have been there and I know how defeating that it can feel. Day in and day out, wondering if you should just walk away because you just don’t know what you are doing. 

What should your next step be?

How can you get your blog more visitors?

What do you share on social media?

SEO? What does that even mean?

Splash Into Blogging is a 9-week summer incubator. I do this program in the summer because there are lots of bloggers that take a step back so that they can enjoy some time off. These next couple of months are the perfect time to build and grow your blog, learning everything that you can to take it to the next level. 

Starting in the first week of July, we will dive into a different workshop every week. These workshops will be recorded so that if you can’t make it live, you will still get it delivered to your inbox. The workshops are designed to help you get organized and offer a structured learning experience with practical advice and tips.

The workshops that are included in the incubator are…

  • Relaunch Your Blog: Mini Relaunch Strategy
  • Create Your Blog Legal Pages
  • SEO Basics of Website and Blog Posts
  • Must-Haves In Every Blog Post
  • Planning Out Your Blog Posts
  • Turning Your Blog Posts Into Different Content
  • Creating Your Media Kit For Blog Outreach
  • Blog Post To Social Media Workflow Planning
  • Creating An Opt-In For Your Website

Along with the workshops, you will get additional material that will help you to implement the workshops into your blogging and into your life. There will be worksheets and workbooks that you will get when necessary to provide guidance with what we learn for that week.

Taking the Splash Into Blogging Incubator can save you time by providing curated information and guidance. The collective knowledge gained in this workshop can save you costly trial-and-error mistakes that beginners often make.

“Coaching with Samantha has been incredible. She is patient, insightful, creative, and passionate about what she does. The journey was so much more than just starting a blog and working with Samantha is so much more than just working with a coach. Her ideas are transformational, seriously.”

You will get more than just the weekly workshops included in this incubator. Every month, we will have a brainstorming session. In this session, we will get clear on the content that we want to share and create a plan so that we can stay on track. 

When you have the option to brainstorm with others who are also blogging but in different niches, you get different perspectives on your content and your niche. This insight is invaluable and why this is a group incubator. The feedback that you get can help you to see the different perspectives of prospective audience members and maybe even potential clients. This can give you valuable insights and topic ideas that you may not have thought of on your own.

You will get weekly co-working sessions. This falls into the accountability piece of the puzzle. Sometimes we just need someone to be there when we are trying to get work done. I have been to so many coworking sessions and the amount of work that was accomplished was incredible. 

Knowing that someone is there with you on screen, keeps you accountable and keeps you motivated to finish the tasks that you need to get done. Coworking allows you to be more productive in a shorter period of time. 

There will be a social pod that is included in this incubator so that we can help each other to grow and to support the actions that we take throughout these 9 weeks. It is about building a community and supporting one another. Whether that is through blog comments, blog sharing, or social media engagement, we are all there to help each other to grow and this social pod is an important piece. 

This is a group incubator but at any time, you can reach out and I can help you with personalized feedback. I will help to review your blog posts, review your social media posts, help with graphic design, and provide constructive feedback to enhance your content quality. This is going to enable you to refine your skills and make continuous improvements.

You will walk away with a clear strategy development. You will know how to make a plan that works for you. Let’s talk about the benefits of developing a strategy.

1: You will create clear and defined goals

Knowing your goals is going to help you know and remember the purpose of your blog and to help keep you focused and moving forward. It will also enable you to consistently create content that aligns with your objectives.

2: You will know your audience

Having a clear strategy is going to help you get to know your ideal readership so that you can tailor your content to meet their specific needs, interests, and preferences. This targeted approach is going to help you attract and engage the right audience, resulting in increased reader loyalty and higher levels of engagement.

3: You can plan out your content easier

Part of having a clear and concise strategy is creating an editorial calendar and content plan including blog posts and social media posts. This will allow you to organize your content creation process and ensure a consistent flow of high-quality content. By planning in advance, you can explore different content formats to help you diversify your offerings and cater to the different learning styles of your audience.

4: You will get clear on your brand and get consistent

Having a strategy is going to help you to establish a consistent brand identity for your blog. This is going to include your blog’s tone, style, and visual elements which help to contribute to a cohesive and recognizable brand. This also helps to build trust with your audience and enhances your blog’s credibility.

5: You can create a monetization plan

Everyone wants to make money these days and they want to be able to do it in multiple ways. Having a blogging strategy enables you to identify and pursue the most suitable revenue streams for your blog. We can talk about this throughout the Splash Into Blogging Incubator.

6: You can evaluate and adapt what is working and what is not

Having a strategy means that you aren’t just going by the seat of your pants. You have a plan in place and you are going to be able to identify what works and what may need improvement. This data-driven approach allows you to make informed decisions, refine your strategy, and adapt your content to better serve your audience’s needs. This stage is all about analytics.

If you are ready to Splash Into Blogging, I would love to have you as part of this incubator. I am limiting it to 7 women who are ready to learn more and take their blogs to the next level by adding practical pieces to their current blogging plan. 

If you are ready to say yes, use the coupon code SPLASH to save $75 on this program until May 31, 2023. You can sign up for Splash Into Blogging here.

Here are a few testimonials from my past clients that have taken blogging courses with me before…

“I had been planning to write a blog for a while and figured I knew what to do. I had my purpose and audience and had been writing drafts and ideas down for over a year. All I had to do was create something in Wix or Squarespace, right? Was I ever wrong!! I had NO idea about SEO, hex codes, social sharing and how it all related to blogging. I didn’t have a schedule or a plan beyond posting articles on Sundays. Then I took Samantha’s course. There was an entire system behind the blogging scene about which I was completely ignorant. I learned so much and now have a much more robust approach to my blog. I am so glad that I took this course.” Jo

“Samantha’s insight and problem-solving have saved me hours of time and stress. I’ve learned more in the past 6 weeks than I’ve learned in some full-semester classes. If you are looking for wise, compassionate guidance and a ton of tools for your toolbox then this is the right place for you.”

Blogging Resources




Fueling Creative Growth And Success With Our Blogging Incubator

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Pastor Natalie (ExamineThisMoment)

Great post. Thank you for sharing some of your strategies. Enjoyed reading 😊

Pastor Natalie (ExamineThisMoment)
Let’s take a moment 😊

Julie Russell
Julie Russell
1 year ago

Sounds like a great event! Love all the resources that you get with the event. I look forward to reading more articles!

Literally Laurie
Literally Laurie
1 year ago

Some very helpful info here for a newish blogger. I’ll be looking forward to more in the future.

A. H.
1 year ago

Loved this, thanks for sharing!!

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