7 ways to Impact Your Business through blogging
As entrepreneurs, we want to know that we are doing all that we can to ensure the success of our business. No one becomes their own boss to give up on their dream. I truly think entrepreneurs can be some of the most stubborn people but in all of the good ways.
We know what we want. We can envision our business in the years to come. We set our goals high and our standards higher. The reasons that we went into business for ourselves can be endless but we ALL want the same outcome. SUCCESS.
Success will mean different things to all of us as business owners but there are ways that we can help aid our success in our business. We normally become an entrepreneur because we have a passion that we need to put out in the world. Our business fills us up with pride. We spend hours and hours perfecting our products and services. We put our life into our business. It is something that we can just walk away from. Being an entrepreneur is a lifestyle. We want our customers to fall in love with our business. We want our customers to feel like they are part of our family.
I tell everyone that I talk to that they should be blogging. Probably a good thing since I am a blogging strategist. HAHAHA! Blogging will change your business. Blogging will showcase why you do what you do as well as what you do. With a plan in place, blogging can change how your business is seen, how your business connects with its clients and how your business will grow. Here are 7 ways that blogging will impact your business.
1. Creates content for your other platforms. As a business, whether you are an online-only business or an in-person business, you will need to have a presence on social media. Blogging will help you to create content for all of the other platforms that you use. You can break up your blog post to create social media posts that you can then use to lead back to your blog. Being able to repurpose content is a time saver but it also will allow you to share the same thing on multiple sites without feeling like it is the same thing. We don’t have time to spend hours and hours on social media as an entrepreneur. We have every other aspect of our business to also run. By creating content once and using it multiple times, you will not only save time but you will save the frustration of having to be everywhere every day.
2. Blogging builds you up as an expert. We all want to be seen as an expert in our field. I remember the first time someone called me a professional blogger. I laughed and was caught completely off guard. It was wonderful to hear someone else say out loud what I had always thought about myself. We can showcase the knowledge that we have in our specific niche throughout our blog. Blogging will help you to build up domain authority which describes your relevance in the specific topic that you cover on your blog. The higher your domain authority, the higher your ranking will be. People trust experts. Blogging helps to build up that trust.
3. Strengthens relationships with your consumer. Blogging is a way to personally connect with your client. You can give them a sneak peek into your life, into your business, and behind the scenes. We all want to know who is behind the businesses that we are buying from. We want to ensure that we have the same values as them. Where we spend our money now means more than it did even a year ago. You will be able to nurture your client from the beginning of the client journey. From attracting them to your business to them buying their first product/service from you; that relationship will change over time. At the beginning, they will watch you without you even knowing that they are there. They will be stealth and absorbing all the information that you are sharing. After that, they may begin to comment on what you are sharing. Thank them for being there. Show that you appreciate their time. Appreciation goes a long way with customers. Remember, you are also a customer of other businesses. In what ways did a business show you appreciation? In what ways did a business disappoint you and lose you as a customer? Remember all of these points because they will help you to build the strongest relationships with your clients.
4. Puts your business in front of new people. Think of your blog as a storefront. You will be able to showcase your knowledge, your products and your staff in easily digestible reading. You will attract readers who may never have found your website without your blog. You are giving new and existing clients information to the questions that they have been asking. In order for your business to grow, you need to bring new people in as clients. There will be no growth if that doesn’t happen. Blogging is great for organic reach.
5. Blogging helps to build your SEO. By having new content going up on your site weekly, anyone who goes to your site will know that you are an active business owner. Not only that, but Google also uses fresh content in their algorithm. If you are using on-page SEO for your blog posts, it will help to categorize it. By adding new and relevant content to your site often, you are showing Google that you are a person that runs your business site.
6. Puts a human side to your business. Your clients want to get to know you. By blogging they will get to know you and connect with you. Your clients will begin to trust you. When you show up on your blog to teach them, you are showing them that you care. That your business matters. That they matter as a client. So many businesses have lost the human factor. They are no longer in though with their clients. That is why so many are supportive of buying local and buying small. They get to know you. They get to see your family and grow with you.
7. Connect your business with others in your industry or similar industries. Blogging will again help to show that you are the expert in your niche. This will help to build up relationships with other businesses that are similar. You can partner with these businesses. You can both build each other up. Take the competition out of having a business and watch as your business grows and expands.
A bonus way that blogging will impact your business. You will get to understand your customers on a deeper level. Blogging helps you to open up a line of communication. You will learn their pain points. You will learn about their struggles and the questions that they have. Just like insights on social media, knowing your client will allow you to better serve them through the products or services that you sell.
Blogging is more than a trend. It is a secure way to help build your business. It won’t happen overnight but with a plan in place, you will begin to see traffic come your way. There are so many topics that you can write about on your blog as an entrepreneur. I have shared 13 topics to blog about as an entrepreneur.