1001 Days of Growth: How I’m Nurturing 101 Goals to Flourish

As I sit here in bed, listening to the thunder rolling in and the gentle rain falling outside my window, it feels as though everything is falling into place. 

Just a few short months ago, my life hit a breaking point and everything came crashing down. Life had taken its swings at me and I just couldn’t fight back any longer. There were moments when I was unrecognizable.

I was stuck in a toxic environment, thinking that there was no way out. I was told that I wasn’t the same person from a year ago and you know what, she was right. 

I allowed someone else’s energy to take over mine and I had temporarily lost who I was. I was so concerned with what was going on around me that I stopped looking within and that’s where I got into trouble. 


You listen.

You learn.

You begin again.

I reevaluated. 

I took a job where I knew nothing but they were willing to take a chance on me. 

I took the vacation that we had been planning for a year and focused on family time.

These two very different moments in my life aligned me with people who I needed to have at that moment. Ever since getting home from vacation, I have been focusing on who I want to become and what I can do to get there. 

I have been focusing on self-care.

I have been focusing on writing.

I have been focusing on creating an environment that supports me.

In my last blog post, I talked about learning to silence the outside influences that can control our lives. In that post, I share the Wellness Challenge that my hubby and I are doing together to promote overall wellness together.

101 Goals

We are focusing on physical wellness as well as mental wellness and in the short couple of weeks that I have been refocused on all of these aspects, I can feel Samantha coming alive again.

The anger that I have is dissipating.

The disappointment I have is disappearing.

The love that I have for myself is coming back. 

It feels like this is the next step. Stepping into a challenge to continue to build my self-confidence and even discover more of me than I have before. This is the next stage in my healing. Focusing on WHO I want to be and HOW to get to be her. 

Have you ever heard of 101 goals in 1001 days?

I have done a post in the past but honestly, most of it just didn’t feel like things I wanted to do. It felt like things that I SHOULD be doing. You know what I am talking about. I finished my new list today after four days of working on it and I am excited to be sharing it here. 

All of these goals align with who I want to be and the things that I want to achieve in the next three-plus years of my life. 1001 days equals just under 33 months. There are lots of things that I want to achieve and I am ready to take the steps to do them.

As I continue to work on my wellness challenge, this 101 goals list is going to complement what I am working towards. Are you ready to hear my list??


Sharing goals can sometimes feel daunting. You question whether you are dreaming too big or too small. If you haven’t made one of these lists before, it can take multiple days to get your list completed. You may even need to look at other people’s lists to get some inspiration. 

I recommend that you start one. My list is now complete and the end date is May 4, 2026. You will get updates every three months so that you know how I am doing with working on this list. 

  1. Renew our wedding vows
  2. Tattoo for Richard
  3. Tattoo for kids
  4. Watercolour floral tattoo
  5. Go on vacation with just Richard. Thinking Maldives or something like that.
  6. A weekend away by myself every 4 months
  7. A weekend away with Richard every 3 months
  8. Boudoir photoshoot
  9. Attend a Cirque du Soleil show
  10. Publish another book of poetry. (Wanna buy my first book of poetry, grab Meraki Pages here)
  11. Take kids to Walt Disney World
  12. Road trip to California
  13. Date night once a month
  14. Do 1 no spend month
  15. Make $100,000 in my business
  16. Take Q on a trip for graduation
  17. Buy a velvet duvet cover
  18. Buy an RV
  19. Create an alter for meditation
  20. Couples boudoir shoot
  21. See giant Redwood trees
  22. Finish reading 35 books (What She Knew by Gilly MacMillian)
  23. Host a retreat
  24. Attend a retreat
  25. Be a speaker at an empowerment summit
  26. Send flowers to my mom just because
  27. Put $10 into savings for every item I check off this list
  28. Pay off my credit card
  29. Pay off my student loans
  30. Start a blogging conference in Calgary
  31. Buy new high thread count sheets
  32. Girls’ weekend with mom and sisters
  33. Have a couple’s spa day
  34. Continue our monthly date days as a family
  35. Hire Q a math tutor
  36. Go to a play
  37. 90 days straight of silent meditation (Currently on day 3)
  38. Buy a new vehicle on my own
  39. Fix our boat
  40. Grow my email list to 1,000
  41. Have a waiting list for Blogology
  42. Grow to 3,500 IG followers (Currently 1,685 followers)
  43. Grow to 3,000 Pinterest followers (Currently at 986 followers)
  44. Get my pageviews to 15,000 per month
  45. Make butter
  46. Perfect making bread
  47. Save $10,000
  48. Swim three times per week
  49. Buy myself flowers once a month
  50. Build my YouTube channel
  51. Try 15 new restaurants
  52. Grow our own lettuce year-round
  53. Go to the ballet
  54. Buy a new mattress
  55. Buy a piece of art from Giselle Denis Fine Art
  56. Buy one new piece of lingerie every month
  57. Buy myself a wedding ring (Mine was lost and I have no idea where it is!)
  58. Shop at the Farmer’s Market two times per month
  59. Take a cooking class with Richard
  60. Hire a house cleaner
  61. Set up my Etsy shop and advertise it
  62. Pay for someone’s coffee once a month
  63. See the Northern lights
  64. Try acupuncture
  65. Launch an e-course
  66. Host a book event/signing
  67. Get a will made up
  68. Get new business photos done
  69. Try 35 new recipes (Taco Pasta)
  70. Create a budget and stick to it
  71. Host a dinner party
  72. Write 25 guest blog posts
  73. Publish my memoir
  74. Take an SEO course
  75. Do 10 different 30-day challenges
  76. Write a list of 100 things that make me happy
  77. Create a blogging series
  78. Help 10 women start their blogs with weekend intensives
  79. Make fresh pasta
  80. Read a banned book
  81. Relax in a hot spring
  82. Watch the sunrise with Richard
  83. Go 30 days without eating out
  84. Make $27/hour at my day job
  85. Spend a weekend at Banff Springs Hotel
  86. Do a podcast interview with Jenna Kutcher
  87. Declutter every room in my house
  88. Track spending for 30 days
  89. Do a weekly board game night
  90. Choose a new affirmation every month. This month’s affirmation is UNIVERSE SHOW ME HOW GOOD IT GETS
  91. Make an extra $500 for the next three months
  92. Track daily food intake for one month
  93. Take a new course on Udemy every month
  94. Attend one networking event every three months
  95. Share one positive thing about my day to IG stories for 30 days. (I started that today! Head to my IG stories!)
  96. Unsubscribe from emails I don’t read
  97. Use ThinkUp daily
  98. Set money aside for Christmas. (Goal is $800)
  99. Buy a headboard for the master bedroom
  100. Create a skincare routine
  101. Floss my teeth twice a day

Those are goals for the next 1001 days and I am so excited! Do you have a list? I would love to see your list. Feel free to share it below so that I can have a look!!

Goals, Mental Health Blogging




1001 Days of Growth: How I’m Nurturing 101 Goals to Flourish

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Jackie at The Wildflower Wifey

This is awesome, I love it! Goals are so important, and writing yours down means you’re committed and on your way to achieving them. Good luck!

1 year ago

Thank you for sharing your journey with us. It takes a lot of courage to reevaluate and make changes in our lives. It sounds like you are focusing on self-care and personal growth, which is important for overall wellness. Setting goals is a great way to stay motivated and on track. Your list of 101 goals is impressive and inspiring. We wish you all the best in achieving them and look forward to hearing your updates.

Richard Lowe
1 year ago

I set daily, weekly, and monthly goals, and do my best to live up to them. Goals are important for moving forward.

Ambuj Saxena
1 year ago

I am curious about your number 83 and 65!
All the best for the 101 goals!

1 year ago

These goals are awesome, thank you so much…Relax in a hot spring, yes please…I love the list, I am going to save it…Thank you.

Mihaela Zaharia
1 year ago

It is important to live with intention and achieve what you want, otherwise you live to achieve other people’s goals. Thank you for sharing!

1 year ago

I love love love this idea. I’ve been in a funk lately, and maybe this is just what I need!

Hadassah Treu
1 year ago

Love this list! So wonderful that you have set these specific goals related to your marriage, relationships, business, blogging, and traveling. This for sure makes it easier to track your progress. I wish you success in achieving your goals!

1 year ago

I love the energy in this post! Setting 101 goals for 1,001 days is amazing. I look forward to your updates every three months and hopefully, we’ll see the pictures of when you buy yourself flowers once a month – (love that one on the list.)

Toni Johnson
1 year ago

This was inspiring I need to do this again. Thanks

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